Financial Independence Paves The Way To The World We All Desire For Each Other.Make it the best experience while getting paid amongst the highest cash back in the world.. Over 10,000 participating stores.
E-Static Stimulus System – rewards members with cash back, discounts and coupons as an interactive tool to wealth and financial independence. The program is designed to assist members with financial independence, assist businesses with increased customer flow, honest commerce and enhance customer loyalty based on incentives and rewards.
Empowerment potential to program members and can provide a path to financial independence, particularly for those that are unemployed, employed but earning marginal to moderate incomes and even those that are well off. Yet the homeless, those living on indefinite fixed monthly benefits .SSI, SSDI, unemployment, workers compensation and others will benefit.
Manage your Followers, Likes, Friends and Members under ONE system, create wealth amongst yourselves.
Reduce financial stress, pay bills and multiply your cash rewards, yet also multiply Cash Back on your behalf to help find a path to financial independence.
Pay for health insurance, doctor visits, food, shelter, medications, clothing, books, tuition and much more.
Enroll in Cash Back and Get 30% revenue for your group, business or organization. Free for non profit. Easy and quick sign up.
REQUIREMENTSConsumers: Your Own Debit or Credit CardBusinesses: Tax ID NumberDONT HAVE A CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD?Order The E-Static Card For Cash